About the Department Web Framework

What is it?

The Department Web Framework is a content management system tailored to meet the needs of academic units in the UW College of Arts & Sciences.  We developed it after extensive research and planning, including conversations with stakeholders, online surveys, focus groups, usability tests, and web analytics.  We continue to make changes based on feedback from users and shifts in the digital environment.  Framework sites are designed to serve the needs of both the people visiting the websites and the departmental staff responsible for managing the content.

Key features

  • Consistent information architecture across departments helps visitors find what they're looking for. 
  • Staff can update the sites through the web browser, without having to know HTML or use special software.
  • Course listings can be imported directly from the Time Schedule
  • Faculty and graduate students can submit research and manage parts of their profiles. 
  • Each site's appearance can be customized to reflect the culture and personality of the unit.

Full feature list

Ongoing support

Department Web Framework sites include technical support after the site is launched, to keep software up-to-date, fix bugs, add new features, and evolve over time.  Staff do not have to configure the site or maintain knowledge of technical standards, just provide and manage the content.  Our team also provides advice about content strategy and usability to ensure sites provide the best possible user experience.  Site editors are invited to quarterly meetings to share tips and strategies and provide feedback on the framework. 

Build process

A web specialist and a marketing communications specialist from the College’s Marketing and Communications team will work with a web committee from your department to plan the new site, transferring your content, working through any questions about organization or functionality that arise, creating a custom look and feel, and training your staff to update the new site.  The process normally takes three to four months.

How do I join?

The framework service is currently available to departments in all four divisions of the College: Arts, Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences.  It is not available to centers, degree programs, and special projects. If your department is interested in this service, (1) contact Shane Fricks to learn about the timing of our expansion and (2) install Google Analytics on your current site so we can track usage patterns and make better decisions about how to organize your new site. What if I'm not eligible?