dwf users

DWF Users Meeting on Dec. 1

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Our autumn quarter Department Web Framework users meeting will be on Tuesday, December 1, from 1-2:00pm in Communications Building 126.

As a reminder for those that are new to the asweb-users list, the Department Web Framework Users Group consists of faculty, staff, and students who manage content on department websites supported by the Arts & Sciences web team.  We hold these meetings quarterly to share ideas and best practices, encourage communication between departments, and gather feedback about our website service. 

Department Web Framework Users meeting on January 27

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Our next Department Web Framework users meeting will be Tuesday, January 27, 2015, from 2:00-3:00pm in CMU 202 (Simpson Center seminar room). Topics on the agenda:

Usability Testing.  Last fall we had two student volunteers help us test the usability of a typical department site. We’ll share how we conducted the test, what the findings were, and what changes we plan to make to improve the usability of your sites.

Department Web Framework Users meeting on November 12

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Our next Department Web Framework Users meeting will be:
Wednesday, November 12, from 10-11am
CMU 202 (Simpson Center seminar room)


Anyone who plays a role in editing department websites is invited to attend. Our tentative agenda is:

Choosing Images for Your Front Page: What kind of images make a strong, positive impact? What type of images should you avoid? How can you get more photos? We’ll share some strategies for finding and selecting great photos to maximize the power of your front page.

Marketing Roundtable introduces new UW brand

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Department Web Framework editors are invited to the quarterly Social Sciences and Humanities Marketing Roundtable. Within the next few weeks the UW is rolling out a new brand, and we will be dedicating our entire meeting to covering how that impacts you and what to expect. Even if you’ve been a part of some of the brand meetings over the summer, we encourage you to attend. We're hoping we will be able to dive deeper into the messaging and have an in-depth Q&A session with our representative from central marketing.

Next Department Web Framework Users Meeting: April 30

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Our next Department Web Framework users meeting will be Wednesday, April 30, from 10-11:00am in CMU 065.

Based on feedback after our combined meeting with the Humanities & Social Sciences Marketing Roundtable, we have decided to separate the meetings this quarter.  Attendance was high and there is clearly a lot of interest in marketing and communications topics.  You are welcome to attend whichever meetings have agenda items that apply to you, or send other representatives who would benefit from the information.

Department Web Framework users meeting on February 25th

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The next Department Web Framework users meeting will be Tuesday, February 25, 1:00-2:00pm in CMU 202 (Simpson Center conference room).

This meeting will be combined with the new Humanities & Social Sciences Marketing Roundtable.  We realize that the discussion topics and attendees at these two meetings may overlap, so we’re going to try combining them.  The first part will focus on more general marketing issues and content strategy, and any web-framework specific announcements and discussion will happen in the later part.

Department Web Framework users meeting on October 30th

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Our next Department Web Framework users meeting will be Wednesday, October 30, from 10:00-11:00am in CMU 065.  The presentation topics will be YouTube and Trumba, the new campus events calendar.  There will also be general announcements and discussion.  Anyone who is an editor on a Department Web Framework site is invited.

Next Department Web Framework Users meeting on February 13th

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The next Department Web Framework Users meeting will be Wednesday, February 13th, from 10-11:00am in CMU 065.  As we discussed in the fall, we will have a short presentation on using Google Analytics and a group discussion focused around how you handle updates in a certain area (we need your vote on the topic – see below).  This should also leave us some time for general updates and feedback.

First Department Web Framework Users Meeting

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The first meeting of the A&S Department Web Framework users will be on Wed. October 24 at 10:00am in CMU 065.

These meetings are aimed at site coordinators and content editors, and are intended to help you make better use of your websites and help us understand how we can improve the service.  They will be informal and topics might include:

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