Template: Minor in [Minor Name]

[One or two short paragraphs describing what is studied, what skills are gained, and how the minor might complement majors in other fields. We recommend updating the UW Admissions site, MyPlan Program Explorer, and the General Catalog to closely match this description.]

Declaring a Minor in [Subject]

Students in good academic standing may declare the minor at any time by meeting with their major adviser. Please see Undergraduate Advising’s Minor page for additional considerations about earning a minor.

Minor Requirements

[A bulleted list, table, or sentences explaining curriculum requirements. Should be consistent with the General Catalog.]

Template Notes

Each minor can have its own page if the descriptions are distinctive, or multiple minors can be grouped onto a single page. When grouping multiple minors, there should be a short overview paragraph that applies to all, and each minor should have a brief description under its heading.

Examples of Similar Format