YouTube 101

YouTube 101 (PDF)
Presentation by Tara Cunningham, 10/30/13, for Department Web Framework Users group

YouTube Setup Guide and Best Practices available in MarComm Toolkit

Start by following the step-by-step instructions, and contact Tara if you have questions.

Establishing your channel is the first step.  After that, you’ll have to produce your videos, then post and share them via e-newsletters, social media, and websites.  Producing the video can roughly be broken into three steps – concept/planning, filming, and editing.  It is helpful to decide exactly which step(s) you need assistance with before seeking advice from the College’s marketing team.  They may be able to help in a limited capacity, and have more resources to assist with cross-departmental projects.

For filming, we have cameras and recording equipment that can be borrowed.  Contact Isaiah Brookshire at if you are interested in this equipment.  For editing, we have a laptop with Final Cut Pro that can be borrowed depending on availability.

Other ideas for assistance with producing videos include student workers or volunteers, interested faculty, Language Learning Center staff, or UW Video/UW TV.