Text Editor Upgrade

Submitted by Heather Wozniak on

On Tuesday, October 23, the visual text editor on all Department Web Framework sites will be upgraded to TinyMCE 4. The editing toolbar will have a new look, so editors may have to look twice to find the button they want. This upgrade will improve the overall usability of the editing tools.

Why upgrade?

The newer version of TinyMCE offers many enhancements, including:

Department Web Framework Users Meeting on November 6

Submitted by Heather Wozniak on

Please save the date for the next Department Web Framework users meeting:
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
CMU 202 (Simpson Center seminar room)

Six Simple Steps to Better UX
At this quarter’s meeting we’ll go over a brief definition of user experience (UX) and why it matters, followed by six straightforward steps you can take to improve the UX on your department website. We’ll also leave some time for open discussion and one-on-one consultation about specific content issues you’d like to address.

Hope to see you there!

Department Web Framework users meeting on May 15

Submitted by Heather Wozniak on

Our spring Department Web Framework users meeting will be Tuesday, May 15, from 1-2pm in the Simpson Center (CMU 202). This meeting will focus on writing for web audiences.

I am very pleased to welcome Sasha Im, Web Content Strategist for University Marketing and Communications. She will talk about the benefits of using plain language and share some techniques for improving your content.